Alex Andrianov Site

It is a web site of Alexey (Alex) Andrianov. On the site you may find the information about me and my family, my friends, colleagues, news, research, science, publications, my trips, a lot of the other information. As photographing is one of my hobbies you can see a lot of photos on site.
The site is working since October, 5, 2000. Now you see the third version of the site design.

Web site is accessible at the following addresses: or or or

1-st site from this series was Oleksiy.Newmail.Ru. Why Oleksiy (Olexiy)? This is my 'official' first name in Ukrainian.

So, what is Alex Andrianov Site
All about me: my news, addresses, CV, scientific works and publications, photos. 
News and the information on my family. 
It is constantly updated information on events in my life: my trips etc. 
Plus football and much another interesting... 

You also can learn(find out) all about my parents and the brother: 
Lesnichaya Valentine Alexeyevna 
Andrianov Igor Vasil'evich
Belenko Vladimir
And even about my turtle Charles.


SECTIONS of the SITE and their brief description
In the section my family you can find the information about my family and its history.
The section cities & countries is devoted to the cities, countries and regions which I have visited.
MY SITES in the Internet and their brief description
Site 94 is devoted to group MH-94-1 of Dnepropetrovsk National University in which I studied from 1994 to 1999. On web site you can see the information about group, history ands stories, current news and addresses of my group-mates, photos. Language - Russian.

Site Op het Randje - the official site of football team "Op het Randje" (Delft, The Netherlands). The matches, schedule, players, news, reports photos, history of the team, the guest book. Language - English.

© 1977-2004 Alex Andrianov

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